Monday, June 15, 2009

Beautiful Vicki

Photo taken by Deanna
The most beautiful person in my life is my mom. My mom Vicki found out about two years ago that she has two brain aneurysm's that could kill her at any time she also has been battling lupus since I was a kid. She is the most kind and generous person that I know. She helps out at our church as much as she can, makes baby blankets for the pregnancy care center and she also took on the task of watching my eighth month old son part of the week so that I could go back to work. Even though she gets worn out a lot from everything that she does I know that she would be here on a drop of a dime to help me out with the baby. I can't put into words how thankful I am for everything that she has done and will do for me. All that I can say is that she's my Hero and I'm so grateful that God let her be my mother! Rebecca Mason